Does Lobola Constitute a Customary Marriage?

In South Africa, traditional weddings create an opportunity for the families of the bride and groom to showcase their different cultural practices with the aim of bringing both families together as one. In certain instances, it is possible that not all cultural practices are performed during one ceremony and these practices end up being overlooked.

How Can I Protect My Intellectual Property?

So, you are a creator and are wondering how you can go about protecting your work? Well, you have landed in the right place to gain a general yet informative introduction of how the law protects original and new creations.

How to Apply for a Child Maintenance Order in South Africa

Applying for a maintenance order in South Africa can be a daunting exercise especially if you don’t know where to start or what is required for one to apply. This article will address the step-by-step process of how one must apply for a maintenance order and the requirements thereof.

How to Change Your Marital Regime.

Are you looking to change your marriage from in community of property to out of community of property, but do not know if this is possible? This article will detail the possibilities of changing your marital regime, the necessary requirements, and legal fees involved in the process.